Shoot + Share

First, this will be the first time many of you have seen my brand new website and blog so I would like to say welcome!

Second, I'm happy to announce the release of a new Craft & Vision eBook today. A change of pace from the usual focus of Craft & Vision, this eBook is not about making photographs. Its about sharing them. The eBook is called Shoot + Share: Getting Your Photographs Out Into the World, and it is written by Stuart Sipahigil. You may remember him as the author of "Close to Home" . Close to Home is a fantastic eBook about finding and capturing photographs where you live; not just while you are on vacation. It was released before I began writing reviews for Craft & Vision, but I highly recommend it.

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Now onto Stuarts latest; Shoot and Share. It often surprises me when I meet incredibly talented photographers, some of whom amateurs, some of whom very successful commercial photographers, who rarely share their work. If you don't share your photos, those collections of pixels that you pour your hear and soul into, then they are just gathering dust. Well, metaphorically, if they are on a hard drive. Its great to shoot for just your own satisfaction, I often envy photographers who do that, but your photos have so much potential. They have the potential to put a smile on someones face, evoke a different emotion, or even effect how the viewer sees the world. So, you really need to share your work. And, you have to share it with the right audience. How do you identify your options, your audience, your goals? Its a very tricky subject, but this eBook is a great starting point.

Even if you already share your images online in some capacity, whether it is your own website, Facebook, or Flickr I think this eBook would still benefit you. Personally, I have what I would call an extensive online presence through Twitter, 500px, my website, and most recently a new Facebook page. However, this eBook has given me lots of additional information about sharing, it has given me some resources to check out, and most importantly it has given me exercises to help improve and expand how I display my photos online. Over this summer I plan to put a lot more thought into what photos I display and who I intend to see them. The exercises in the eBook are going to be great for this, and I'm sure I will give it at least one more read.

Whether you are an amateur, a pro, or even if you never hope to make a living in photography, I recommend you read this eBook. The content may not blow your mind, so to speak, but it will improve how you share your work. Whether you are looking to improve your online presence, or begin one, this eBook is a fantastic place to start

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Posted in Photograph Post Date 04/09/2017




