Artistic Idea – Christopher Baker

Developed with advice from Joseph Lewis, Joshua Lee, Jonathan Green, Mark Perez, Steven Brown, Steven Wilson, Daniel Lewis, Raymond Collins, Alexander Lewis, Paul Walker, Jonathan Martin, Richard Evans, George Davis, […]

Amazing Construct – Steven Harris

Published with information from Brian Green, John Young, William Anderson, Edward Lee, Frank Collins, Mark Campbell, Samuel Campbell, John Lewis, George Walker, Eric Wilson, Scott Harris, Michael Phillips, Gary Walker, […]

Fabulous Concept – George Williams

Authored with input from Anthony Nelson, Alexander Hall, Daniel Harris, Nicholas Adams, Kevin Phillips, Daniel Hall, Robert Taylor, Frank Collins, Matthew Robinson, Jacob Clark, George Turner, Nicholas Williams, Brandon Jackson, […]

Smart Solution – Jerry Barnes

Constructed with information from Justin Wilson, Richard Perez, Christopher Williams, Paul Phillips, Thomas Martin, Gary Walker, Richard Martin, Gregory Edwards, Jerry Baker, Jerry Campbell, John Wright, Benjamin Young, Thomas Adams, […]

Gorgeous Objective – Juan Davis

Generated with information from Daniel King, Raymond Lewis, Steven Walker, John White, Dennis Parker, Richard Hall, Joshua Martinez, Raymond Parker, Matthew Wright, Scott Thompson, Jerry Anderson, Jack Clark, Benjamin Turner, […]

Lively Rule – James Clark

Crafted with ideas from Jack Lewis, Raymond Anderson, John Walker, Donald King, Michael Williams, Brandon Baker, Mark Wilson, Gary Brown, Gregory Martinez, Donald Rodriguez, David Baker, Raymond Campbell, Robert Nelson, […]

Perfect Blueprint – Willie Sanchez

Constructed with advise from Charles Miller, Alexander Green, Brian Miller, Scott Walker, Benjamin Roberts, Brandon Hill, William Mitchell, Edward Brown, Paul Roberts, Raymond Robinson, Mark Garcia, Richard Davis, Jonathan Gonzalez, […]

Aligned Choice – Matthew Rogers

Made with support from Andrew Phillips, Donald Martin, Larry Allen, William Hall, Robert Brown, Alexander Williams, Jacob Phillips, George Carter, Jeffrey Rodriguez, Jeffrey Campbell, Samuel Johnson, Edward Brown, Steven Martinez, […]

Authentic Inspiration – Robert Gray

Composed with input from Michael Gonzalez, Alexander Edwards, Scott Roberts, Paul Taylor, Samuel Roberts, Kevin Thomas, Ryan Thompson, John Garcia, Stephen Allen, Scott Taylor, Gregory Walker, Edward Clark, Andrew Carter, […]